Thepa ea MND-H3 Fitness For Commercial Gym Overhead Press/Pulldown

Lethathamo la Lintlha:

Mohlala oa Sehlahisoa

Lebitso la Sehlahiswa

Boima bo kahare


Boima ba Boima

Mofuta oa Pakete


L*W* H(mm)



Tobetsa ka holimo/Ho theola





Specification Introduction:


Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


Hydraulic Cylinder,
6 Maemo A


Boikoetliso ba mesifa bo hlakileng le bo khuts'oane
setikara sa tataiso mona
e ka ba bonolo ho basebelisi.


Ergonomic PU letlalo le koahetsoeng,
e leng boiketlo,
e tšoarellang le e khahlanong le skid.


The handle top sebelisa aluminium
lintlha tse ka holimo tsa alloy. E matla
le bokgabane.

Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa

MND FITNESS H Strength Series ke lisebelisoa tsa boikoetliso tsa boikoetliso tse amohelang 40*80*T3mm oval tube e sephara joalo ka foreimi, haholo bakeng sa ho phela hantle, ho fokotsa mmele le ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle,' me e fa batho ba chesehelang boikoetliso ba 'mele mokhoa o fapaneng oa boikoetliso ho feta koetliso ea boikoetliso ba setso.
MND-H3 Overhead Press / Pulldown boikoetliso deltoid. Motsamao o eang holimo oa khatiso o holisa matla 'meleng o kaholimo le mokokotlong, o tobane le mesifa e meholo ea mahetla le ea sefuba.
Ho theosa ho theosa ho theosa ho lebisa mesifa e meholo ea ka morao. Motsamao oa ho hula fatše o ka etsoa ka pele ho sefuba kapa ka holim'a mahetla ho arola lihlopha tsa mesifa tse tšehetsang. Sebaka sa letsoho se ka fapana ho nolofalletsa mosebedisi ho lebisa mesifa e fapaneng ka har'a sehlopha se seholo.
Mokhatlo o kopanetsoeng oa ho hanyetsa o etsa boikoetliso bo monate bo lumellang motho ea chesehelang boikoetliso kapa ea qalang ho "super set'MND FITNESS H Strength Series ke sesebelisoa sa boikoetliso sa boikoetliso se sebelisang 40*80*T3mm oval tube e sephara joalo ka foreimi, haholo bakeng sa ho ikoetlisa, ho theola boima ba 'mele. le ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle.
MND-H1 Boikoetliso ba Chest Press ke boikoetliso bo tloaelehileng ba ho matlafatsa 'mele o kaholimo o sebetsang li-pectorals (sefubeng), li-deltoids (mahetleng), le li-triceps (matsoho). Sefuba sa khatiso ke e 'ngoe ea boikoetliso bo botle ka ho fetisisa ba sefuba bakeng sa ho haha ​​​​matla a holimo a' mele.

Boikoetliso bo bong bo sebetsang bo kenyelletsa pec deck, cable crossover, le dips. Mochine oa khatiso oa sefuba o shebana le li-pectoral, deltoids, le triceps, ho haha ​​​​mesifa le matla. E boetse e sebetsa serrate anterior le biceps.

1. Mohlala o mong le o mong o sebelisa nako ea koetliso 'me letoto ke mokhoa oa ho ikoetlisa oa setsebi.
2. Mochine o fetola matla a mokelikeli oa hydraulic cylinder hore e be motsamao o lekanang oa ho sutumetsa kapa ho hula ka har'a cylinder, 'me ho tsamaea ho bonolo ebile ho bonolo.
3. Ho bolokehile ho sebelisoa, ho fokotsa likotsi tsa lipapali, ho etsa hore ho be le moea o lumellanang oa koetliso bakeng sa barupeli, haholo-holo bakeng sa barupeli ba lilemo tse bohareng le ba baholo.

Letlapa la Parameter ea Mehlala e Meng

Mohlala MND-H1 MND-H1
Lebitso Khatiso ea Sefuba
N. Boima 53kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1020*1310*780MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H2 MND-H2
Lebitso Pec Fly/Rear Deltoid
N. Boima 55kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 990*1290*720MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H4 MND-H4
Lebitso Biceps Curl / Triceps Extention
N. Boima 38kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1050*850*740MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H6 MND-H6
Lebitso Hip Aductor/Aductor
N. Boima 59kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1375*1400*720MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H5 MND-H5
Lebitso Katoloso ya Leoto/Leoto la Leoto
N. Boima 54kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1395*1365*775MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H7 MND-H7
Lebitso Tobetsa Leoto
N. Boima 74kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1615*1600*670MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H8 MND-H8
Lebitso Squat
N. Boima 62kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1760*1340*720MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H10 MND-H10
Lebitso Rotary Torso
N. Boima 34kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1020*930*950MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H9 MND-H9
Lebitso Katoloso ea Mpa Crunch
N. Boima 47kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 1240*990*720MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose
Mohlala MND-H11 MND-H11
Lebitso Glute Isolator
N. Boima 72kg
Sebaka sa Sebaka 934*1219*1158MM
Boima ba Boima N/A
Sephutheloana Lebokose

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe: